Friday, October 26, 2007

A Girl I Like-Part 4

Humans are defined by their tendency to do things that are statistically unprofitable. This is evidenced by, lottery, dating, and religion- Scott Adams. (This is why I really shouldn't get advice about love from humorists)

This set of posts has to be the longest ever. And the weird thing is, unlike most of my posts, which are half or (at-most) 4/5 true, every part of this series is completely true. Which is why I avoid names, because that would seriously create an identity problem if I only use real names.

Anyway, yesterday, I wrote "I love you" in Chinese(I hope she had a translator ready), lightly folded the paper, and put it into her hood(her jacket's hood), during lunch, when I was behind her in the line(queue in Queen's English). Today, during Lunch, I could have sworn I saw her smiling at me quite a few times. Admittedly, she could have been amused at the people having a birthday party not five feet behind me, but I'm keeping my hopes up.

Note:The reason why I wrote it in the way I did is because she'll know who send it(my ethnicity is remarkably rare in my high school), it's direct(you can't get more direct than 'I love you'), it's kinda romantic(I guess), and if the letter's intercepted or rejected outright, nobody would understand it. I'll just say that it's a memo for 'the Society of Chinese-Americans Who Have Nothing Better to do Than Sit Around and Brag about the Homeland' or something.

Suggestions?Comments?Insults?(Somehow, the latter seems so much more likely)


kablaamee said...

aw! a true romantic!
for some reason i always associate romance with the Dodo...

Leonardo said...

kablaamee->Yeah, `true' romantics never have the opportunities of continuing their blood line. What an
interesting coincidence.Lol