Thursday, October 18, 2007


I created an imaginary country to base my parody/satires on. It's called Utopia(The name kinda fit).

Full name:The Democratic Monarchy of Utopia
National flag:

(yes, it's a black box)

System of Government:Democratic Monarchy


Motto:War is Peace, Love is Hate, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength

National Song:Jingle Bells

National Religion:Radical Atheism

Year Founded:The Dawn of Time(allegedly)

Ruling Party:The Hackers and Crackers Party

Largest City: Large City

Smallest City: Doom&Gloomsville

Population:Varies. Depending on various factors, including famine, flood, drought, baby booms,
and of course, population taxes and subsidies. Before the pop tax, approx. pop is 44 million.
Afterwards, approx.pop is 10,000

Crime Rate: Between 1 per year to five million per year, depending on who could be more believed.

National Pledge:I pledge myself as a citizen of the democratic monarchy of Utopia, and to the Emperor, for which all stands, one nation, above God, indestructible, with booty and servants for all.

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