Saturday, October 20, 2007

Two Red Lights

Every time I walk to and from school, I have to pass two red lights. Which wouldn't have been that annoying, except that it's every single time. Which makes it kinda annoying, obviously. I have a couple of theories about why is that so:

1. The S'Pore government hates me so much that it persuades the US government to make the red lights whenever I come by.

2. The Christiananity church wants to get back at me for insulting their god so they rigged it.

3. God wants to punish me for insulting him

4. The International Brotherhood of nerds want to get back at me for revealing scared data to the "two-eyes" population.

5.It's the Arctum theory:I have convenient lapses of memory whenever I pass a green light.

6.I'm just darn unlucky

Number 5's the least likiest because I keep track of this type of info in my notepad, so unless I subconciously erase and edit whatever piece of data whenever I'm asleep, Number 5 doesn't work.


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