Friday, October 26, 2007

Walkin' In the Rain

One of the annoyingest things about my current high school is that I live exactly(according to Google Maps) 1.3 miles(1.96km) from my school. The local government only provides school buses to those at least 1.5(2.4km) miles away. So I'm cut off by a clerical error. Talk about annoying. So, every single Godspam day, I have to walk. And walk. And walk even more. And for a change, jog. Today's especially annoying.

It was a rainy, gloomy weather. And it's cold. Like 50 degrees(10 C). And did I mention I'm wearing a T-shirt? Seriously uncool. So I tried to call my father to sk for a lift. The good news is that I didn't have to walk. The bad news is that jogging in the rain ain't that cool either. The really bad news is that I wear glasses, which means it's hard to see. The even worse news is that it's easy to trip. It's REALLY bad if some guy trips. On the street. On a really busy highway. When the lights are yellow. *Cough*. When they were yellow but changed to red. When there are three hundred-plus cars dying to move.

The good news is that they only honked. the bad news is that 300 honks at the same time isn't good for a guy's eardrums. Really. Which is kinda annoying.

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