Thursday, October 18, 2007

PD1101-The Unauthorized History of Pardus 1

When I was in National University of Yugoslavia High, my friend's used to joke that I'll be teaching people how to 'pardus'(a really addictive game at if I'm a teacher. Well, I decided to try my hand at it.

Note:The following is a work of fiction. To see the 'real' story, go to here
Note:This class is mandatory(core module) to all students interested in majoring in Pardus.
Chapter 1

There has always been games. Ever since the first caveman played with bones and created tic-tac-toe, there has been games. Inventors have always wanted to make games superior, to make life funner for all, be they sports, on a piece of paper, board, imagination, gamebooks, or computer games. History has been rife with games, with each game more complicated, each creation of greater ingenuity and expense. But the time that games could be limited to boards, PCs, cities and countries are long gone, since the Americans(Vinton Cerf,) invented the Internet.
When the American Werner Bayer went to University on his Ford Explorer and met Michael Sizell, they both realized(to their shock) that they aren't the only com nerds in the universe.

Okay. Here concludes lesson 1. How do you guys like it so far?

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