Sunday, October 7, 2007

Ten Great Excuses for being Late to school(Part Two)

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Excuse 4: The Hard Worker
Example: I had been studying for my geometry quiz until 4 AM today so I barely had anytime for school.This said... I must suggest that you push the geometry quiz to tommorow because I had a mistaken impression on Chapter 17 Part A Section 3...
Rating: 4.5/5.0 Really Successful. Trust me. It even has a bonus advantage of explaining why you failed ,say, history.

Excuse 5: Pathetic Dude
Example: Please.... I know it's my fault... my second uncle in-law would kill me if he knew I broke the family tradition. Have mercy... be kind... I know I don't deserve this, but still..
Rating: 2.5/5.0 Works better for females than guys. Especially effective if you are good looking

Excuse 6: The Pragmatist
Example: I have a perfectly logical reason to explain why I'm late. It's mostly an accidental occurrence that involves subjective laws of equality
Rating: 2.0/5.0 Seriously, if you could pull this one off, you ought to be in law school instead of grade school

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