Sunday, November 30, 2008
Holy CRAP!!(Part 2)
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Holy CRAP!
HOLY crap!(Part 2)
*cmc*: whoever blasphemes against God will be guilty of eternal sin |
*cmc*: do not blaspheme against God |
*cmc*: and Pardus i can own you |
leonardo: I don't play pardus anymore:P |
leonardo: And I'm pretty sure I got the "eternal sin" ticket years ago... |
leonardo: and cmc, what exactly do you mean by blasphemying? |
leonardo: I know that god isn't real, but if all atheists, by default, go to hell, then wouldn't anything I do no longer has meaning? |
leonardo: I mean, if I'm gonna be blasted to the devilic eternal sin, then might I as well enjoy every minute of my life? And if my greatest enjoyment comes in shattering norms, like making cracks against
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
HOLY crap!(Part 1)
Short version: they just go and have sex and the resulting offspring are giants. God disapproves.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Timing a Joke
As the vast majority of you no doubt already know, the most important part of telling a joke is timing. Well, that, and humor. For instance, chances are, interns at Comedy Central may very well probably get a punchline far faster than, say, rednecks in Arkansas. And most of time, wrong timing should probably be blamed on the comedian. After all, the intelligence of his audience(or more commonly, the lack thereof, is almost always his respective responsibility to predict. However, occasionally, I sometimes tend to have suspicions that the audience may well be slightly responsible. Case in point:
I was trying to tell my friend a joke. Not a very funny or creative one, but hey. I don't exactly have very high hopes of his getting those.
“What's the difference between a Nazi and a gay person?” I asked
“No idea. What?”
Me: “45 degrees. Get it?
Him: “Nope”.
Me: “Ok, hold your arm out straight in front of you at exactly shoulder height. Now, imagine that you are the rightful ruler of the world, and of the supreme race. Move your hand higher, so that your fingers are pointing skyward. Got it? Good. Now lower your fingers, like, really girly, and imagine you're gay.” I waved my own hands for extra emphasis. “Now do you get it?”
Him: “Not really. Just gimme a few more mi-
The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and pass, leaving behind memories that became legend. Legends fade to myth, and myth to stories, until even those stories are long forgotten when the Age that gives it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Information Age by some, a butterfly gently flapped its wings, causing a minor disturbance in the air which became a slight breeze. The breeze wasn't the beginning, there are neither beginnings nor endings in the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.
The breeze blew forth east across the Greenland plains, gaining surprising momentum as it hurries past, becoming a wind as it blew through the huts and houses on the coast, chilling the people gathered around the hearths. It blew across the icy oceans and onto England, where it blew people's hats and clothes on the clothline, making a general nuisance of itself. It blew across the British Parliament, throughout all of London, then South across the English Channel, into Paris, the wind stirring emotions as lovers gaze at an ugly tower, it flew straight south across, to Rome and then Vatican City, where priests gather around and the Pope, and while snoring, listened to his speeches about the importance of returning to traditional values and marriage between a man and his slave.
It blew South and East, across the ancient lands of Greece, across the country of the over-sized chicken, across, Syrian terrorists and Afghanistani drug dealers, Iranian nukes and Iraqi contractors, then across the Himalayas, where it had a pretty rough time traveling, across the Tibetan monks, who were kindly re-educated by wise Chinese teachers with food, books, computers, and AK-47s. It flew to Beijing, where people cursed the smog and thanked the wind, across the Yellow Sea, becoming a storm, to Pyongyong, where it caused raining frogs which the grateful peoples thanked Kim Jong II for causing great rain and meat on their tables, to yet another sea, by which the storm died down, becoming a wind once more, into the Tokyo districts, where the populace worked a mere 12 hours a day.
It then slowly but surely crawled across the Pacific, into California, where illegal immigrants partied at their Promised Land, throughout Las Vegas, where the breeze gave relief to those people apparantly enjoying themselves at 120 degrees of sheer heat, then sped past the plains into Arizona, where 90 professionals failed to explain to John McCain the many and intricate complexities of starting a computer. It blew even faster and headed slightly northwards, straight into the heart of DC, where Bush chatted amicably with Obama, then heading about ten miles off to a school, where the greatest and proudest moment of our time happened-
My friend: “Oh, I get the joke now. The angles of the hands! Hahahaha!!!Good one!”
The timing was impeccable.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Note: This post(like many of mine) is based on part philosophy, part humor so if you're a)a dingbat or b)literal minded, don't bother. There isn't any politics, dialogue or action either, so yeah...
A friend of mine is working on a computer game. Which, for obvious reasons, I could not go into details here. At any rate, his game has many races, including humans, elves, half-elves, half-dwarves, half orcs and half-angels.
Which raises the obvious question. Well, obvious from my perspective, anyway. I mean, it doesn't take too much imagination(when you consider the mentality of the average human male) to think of half-elves, half-dwarves or even half orcs, but how the spam is it possible to get half angels[ref:see below]???
Most people agree that angels are superior beings from a higher plane of existence, so it follows suit that there aren't many angels in the first place. In addition, keep in mind that the high ones generally transcend gender, which raises a lot of awkward points.
So how do you get a half angel? Well, here are some random theories that I'll just dish out.
Theory 1: The obvious one
OK, random higher being comes to our plane, knocks up a hot virgin, nine months later, a baby mysteriously pops out. While I totally hate this theory because of its sheer lack of creativity(Earth knows that even a redneck in Texas could think that up), if you believe in the mythology, it already happened at least one(Jesus, anyone?), so yeah, it bears some consideration.
Theory 2: The time-space continuum break
This theory is slightly complicated, but it involves a gap between the parallel planes of Heaven and Earth, a power outrage, a totally idiotic UN Secretary General at 2550, a plumber trying to repair sewage problems in a wormhole, and the world's unluckiest angel. Use your imagination*
Theory 3: NDS ascension
NDS (Near Death Syndrome) occurs when a person is just at the brink of death, and is pulled in both directions. At one end, the medical guys got there in time and managed to rescue a person, at the other, his 0r her soul not only saw the light, but managed to go threw it. So at one end, he or she is a fully ascended angel, at the other, really burnt, pissed off and heavily in pain, but nonetheless, still fully mortal. By which, we get a half-angel, albeit a really annoyed one.
Theory 4: Descension
OK, this concept is near the direct opposite of theory 3. Every single mythology has a story about a Deity of some sort or another who gets punished by going to Earth. Which is pretty expected, I guess, losing your immortality status because you committed some horrendous crime, like falling in love with a human, killing a enemy or 2, committed a major act of thief, almost caused a dark hole that would swallow the universe, or eating an apple.
But what happens when the ruler of the plane is chickenhearted??Then, in that case, he wouldn't punish by fulling mortalizing you, he'll just make you a halfhuman. So you're kinda punished, but you're still superior to all the creatures made of mud and stuff, so you aren't too unhappy.
Theory 5: TTT(The Typo Theory)
Maybe, just maybe, the entire concept of halfangels was originally started just because somebody had too much time on their hands or made a typo when writing.
This theory is so preposterous and idiotic I would not even comment on it.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Last-minute Election Post
Monday, November 3, 2008
My Halloween Story-Part 1
Friday, October 31, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Drugs and the US
Fact:The average myopic is 7 IQ points smarter than the national average.
Fact:The average person with glasses gets 150+ more on the SAT than the average American
Fact:In the average college classroom, seating arrangements is always determined by the smartest person with glasses or contacts in there.
Fact:people with glasses are far less likely to be cheated by spam than people without 'em.
Now, for only 25K, you, yes, you could now be a myopic(for people who don't know, that's fancy talk for near-sighted) and all the attendant bonuses!!! So what are you waiting for?? Get laser-eye surgery now!!!/ Ads
Personally, I have a serious problem with America and its attendant welfare system. It seems stupid to me. I mean, here's literally the American government's take on opium
factor 1:The US only has enough resources to either ban the production of opium or the consumption of opium.
factor 2: Opium creates billions of dollars in revenue and is a major cash crop.
factor 3: Opium and attendant drugs are exceedingly dangerous, especially to people dumb enough to take drugs in the first place.
factor 4: The US's main competitor for major opium plantations is Afghanistan
factor 5:Opium and related drug lords have direct affiliations with Al Qaeda.
So what does the glorious and oh-so-smart government do??? Ban the production of opium, of course. So now, here's the new scenario.
1. Lots of Americans wants opium and related drugs.
2. The USA is in a costly war against Afganistan, which seems well-funded for some mysterious reason.
3. Even more strangely, people seems to have access to drugs even though they're rarely grown/ lab coated drugs
4. For some odd reason, the free, taxpayer-funded, million-dollar rehab clinics with spas, swimming pools, and 50 inch LCD TVs does not seem to dissuade people from doing drugs. Weird.
Oh, the intelligence.
Personally, I think legalizing drugs is the way to go. The way I figure it, nobody's gonna to stop doing drugs with all the pity statutes we currently have, so let them figure it out by themselves. I mean, they're not gonna quit until they wake up and their entire body's covered with their own pus. you know. In addition, don't forget the not-so-minor point of all the cash that could remain in the States.
Better yet, let natural selection take it's course and let people without any self-control do what they have to do already. If they wanna die and clear up the gene pool, the way I figure it, be my guest.:P
Trust me, this will solve a lot of problems. Not only will it save a lot of government funds and Afgan soldiers, it will make the average human smarter!!Plus, it will solve the sub-prime mortgage crisis as people who have the general legalities for being able to loan(ie, alive) would actually put money in their house and not drugs.
Everybody wins.
And that's why I should be the unconditional and absolute dominator of the universe.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Volunteer Job
Anyway, once I get from my creativity slump, I'll post a lot. Enjoy!!!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Middle of The Road
Friday, July 11, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Weeding out the Morons-Final
Weeding out the Morons-Part 3
Anyway, when I finally got off the plane, I felt like I was in heaven(6). Then, we had to go through the checkpoint, which was kinda*censor*, erm...unexpected. (7)Imagine a clean, tech, effecient, friendly checkpoint that barely have any lines. Yeah, that's what I did, imagine it(8), because the reality isn't like that. Quite the opposite in effect.
When I saw the size of the line(quenue), I was ready to give the country up to radicals like Obama(9*) and Yuanmashita(0:Old joke). After 20 minutes in the line with no visible progress, I was ready to join them(10). By the time I got through a third of the line, I was screaming at them to @#$%^ hurry up(11*). Anyway, it was ---- tiring standing in the line. That and I have the world's worst case of jet lag. So I must have drifted off(don't ask me how I managed to do so standing up)(12), because the next thing I know, I was near the front of the line. In the big electronic billboard on top of the checkpoint, I saw the following words:"radicals led by the disgrunted general, Yuanmashita, has launched a major strike against the checkpoint. Flee!(13*)
I smiled to myself. No more standing in line! Of course, I had to pay Yuanmashita an arm and leg for the service(14), but it was worth it. I smiled in anticipation
The only catch is that I looked slightly ungainly without an arm or leg.(15) Arrggghhh. Wait, an arm or leg??What happened to my other arm?(16)For that matter, what happened to my other leg? (17)For that matter, why can't I see my torso? (18)While we're at it, why can't I see amnything????? (19)And why do I feel as if my shoulder's shaking while I can't see anything?
"Wake Up!"somebody shook me awake. I opened my eyes. I was in front of the border official. I checked my watch. It was four hours after we landed. I was going to say something witty before the border checkpoint official interrupted.
"give me one reason why you would not be involved in a school shooting."(20*)he said
Uh-oh. Here we go again....
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Weeding out the Morons(cont.)
In Beijing, we were called for a random security check. Four men in full-black suits searched our suitcases for an exhausting 11 minutes and 17 seconds(Yes. I timed it.)(3) One of them seems particularly interested in my DVDs (conveniently bought at some place called "Li's Black Market")(4). I could just guess what he was thinking. I mentally steeled myself for the questionnaire by going through what he may say in advance.
Guy(holding up a DVD):What's that?(5)
Me:It's a DVD
Guy:Our policy does not allow this type of C-(6)
Just then, another black suited guy came up and had a whispered conference with the first one. From what I could hear, it seems a heated debate.(7)
Guy:Like I said, Our policy does not allow this type of C(8)-*discreet coughing from the other guy*, I mean DVDs.
Me:What type?
Him:Harmful, dangerous material(9).
Me:How is that dangerous?It's Tom&Jerry(10), for god's sake.
Him:Religion Alert(11)!!!
Me:Oops. So what?
Him:Your passport says that you're a freethinker. Never mention God's name if you are not a believer. It shows disrespect to him.
Me:I object! God doesn't exist! Besides, you're supposed to be impartial
Him:Oh, re-
(A lightning bolt hit a tree only two feet away from the nearest window)(12)
Me:O....k. I hereby withdraw my objection.(13)
Him:Good. Now, back to the main point: Your CD clearly contains dangerous materials(14).
Me:How so?
Him:Let's see...intense violence(15), disrespect for figures of authority(16), events going against the order of nature(17), the small triumphing over the strong(18), possibility of bird flu through un-licensed, stray, illegal dogs(19*), a made-in-china sign over a defective mouse trap(20) ...the list just goes on and on.
Me:It's just a cartoon
Him: So what? Anyway, your CD-
Other Guy:whispers something angrily in chinese.
They had a heated discussion in private. I decided to use the time to make myself scarce.
(Hear concludes Part 1. The highlights of Part 2 includes overpriced water in Tokyo and Customs+Security check in Detroit. Keep tuned!)