Wednesday, November 26, 2008

HOLY crap!(Part 1)

subtitle: The Half-angles controversy post. 

Note: Please note that in the title, I put HOLY in caps. Thus, this post has just about nothing to do with excrement, and just about everything to do with holiness. 

You know, I seriously did not anticipate all the controversy that mine Half-Angels post created. I mean, seriously. I would have expected my politics post to create a lot of controversy, or my international power post, or my anti-horrormoviephiles post, or even maybe, just maybe, my continuos assertion that I am the rightful master of the universe might spark the slightest disagreement. But no, those posts, which I (almost) intentionally created to spark controversy were left out of the critics radar, and instead, I received a ton of complaints about my totally random Half-Angels post, which is mediocre at best, twittering at worst. 

Anyway, I have received quite a few complaints. I'll just show you two of them. 

Seli(not his real name): So, I took a chance and read two posts again. Maybe I'll read it when you know more, but for now while reading the first post the one thought running through my head was "He's never heard of the nephilim, has he? That really renders the entirety of the post rather moot." Here you go:
Short version: they just go and have sex and the resulting offspring are giants. God disapproves.

Me: I'm perfectly aware what Nephilim is since that's the exact words my friend used for his game. Just ask him*rolls eyes* Besides, my blog is hardly intended for serious discussion. I understand and appreciate that you think my blog s*cks, and will try to take that into consideration next time I post. Thank you very much for your comment. 

Seli:Oh, I'm aware that it's supposed to be non-serious and comical, it's just a lot less amusing to speculate and complain about how angels could mate with humans without acknowledging that one of the most original sources on the matter already gives an answer. It's a lot like if I were to write "A school for wizards? How ridiculous! Surely such a place would just blow itself up or something, but let's consider how it might work if it didn't." And then completely neglected to mention HP (or Sparrowhawk, for that matter). It would be a lot less funny as any readers who are aware those books exist exist would be all "so, are you going to mention they exist and mention their answers?"

OK, pardon my extraordinary optimism, but don't you think that a reader who gets the cultural reference is actually gonna be more, rather than less, amused than someone who doesn't? I mean, I imagine that my 'timing a joke' post would be hardly as amusing to people who don't get the Wheel of Time reference(or Nazi hand movements, for that matter). 

(to be continued) 

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