Friday, July 25, 2008

Middle of The Road

Note 1:I'm in charge of Eternalduel's E-Paper now. Please create an account if you wanna be a columnist. YES!!!

Note 2: We are approaching the 100th post!!!So mail me or reply on the tagboard for ideas of the celebrations!!!Woo-hoo!!

Note 3:So list what type of posts you want (Philosophy, satire, test/quizzes, more Chuananity, more Utopia, W.K.J. King, etc) 

Note 4:Yes, I really need a life. How in the world did you guess??

  An interesting thing about me is that I often look at things from a different angle. For instance, take this scenario. Suppose you're walking back home from an unfamiliar place and you have to take a small, narrow, windy, road, twisting and curving. There's no sidewalk, and only two lanes in opposite directions, separated by double yellow lines. Cars flash past in both directions
at high speeds and stuff, infrequently and in both directions. What would you have done?

  The majority of people would be bored after the first sentence and went to another website already. A slightly smaller percentage will ask "Who cares?" If they're partially serious, they(you) might say something extremely intelligent like "walk on the side of the road" or "just hope for the best." Some cowards, when actually in the scenerio, will take another road or ask for a lift.

 I wouldn't

  What I would(did) do is simple. I walked on the yellow lines. My theory is that most drivers obey the traffic laws and keep to the sides, besides, there's always the risk of crashing into another car going the opposite direction, so they wouldn't dare, thus insuring my safety. 

 So far, it worked.

So what's my point? Simple. Don't blame me(or anyone else, for that matter) for thinking of an alternative solution to a problem.  Instead, applaud them. And whatever you do, never, ever, ever, chase them out with sticks and then preach to your whole audience that the genius who helped you is a servant of the devil. 

That's what I told the local pastor. Seriously, why should he get mad?? I was just trying to help his church turnout. I mean, what's the difference between flyers celebrating the birth of Christ or the afterlife and a flyer labeling Vatican controversies? Really weird guy.

That's why I hate being a genius. 

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