Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Introduction to Ask The Nerd

Yesterday, I received a phone call from my blog manager(available conveniently at getafreeonlineunmotivatedemployeewhostatestheobviousinreturnfordownloadingspam.net). It went like this.

"Leo, I ....think....you...ought...to...change...your...style" she said.
I was obviously quite surprised, and to tell you the truth, upset.
"Why", I asked
"The amount of people who check your blog is slipping. Last week there was 12. Now it's down to 6"
Me:Is it 6 hundred or six thousand?
Her:Six. Just six.

I was kind of flustered 'cause I was one of the hits on the statCounter, my second computer was another, and 5 different friends and family members promised me that they read my blog recently. In short, I don't really have a public audience. So I'm out of ideas. Really. I thinked and thinked and thinked about this problem(I know it's grammatically incorrect. So sue me) and decided my blog need to be more interactive. So if you have a problem, just e-mail me at draconlord@gmail.com(There's a glitch that prevents me from reading comments or uploading my tagboard) and I'll answer you on my blog. Don't worry. I'll change your name so that you can remain anonymous if you want to.

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