Saturday, September 27, 2008

Drugs and the US

Ads- Sonix's Supersurgery(SSS) Inc. Are you dumb?Worried about your low IQ?Hopelessly cheated off by chain mails all the time? Never understand what your smart girlfriend's talking about half the time!!Well, here's some facts that will help you clear up your case!!!

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Personally, I have a serious problem with America and its attendant welfare system. It seems stupid to me. I mean, here's literally the American government's take on opium

factor 1:The US only has enough resources to either ban the production of opium or the consumption of opium.
factor 2: Opium creates billions of dollars in revenue and is a major cash crop.
factor 3: Opium and attendant drugs are exceedingly dangerous, especially to people dumb enough to take drugs in the first place.
factor 4: The US's main competitor for major opium plantations is Afghanistan
factor 5:Opium and related drug lords have direct affiliations with Al Qaeda.

So what does the glorious and oh-so-smart government do??? Ban the production of opium, of course. So now, here's the new scenario.

1. Lots of Americans wants opium and related drugs.
2. The USA is in a costly war against Afganistan, which seems well-funded for some mysterious reason.
3. Even more strangely, people seems to have access to drugs even though they're rarely grown/ lab coated drugs
4. For some odd reason, the free, taxpayer-funded, million-dollar rehab clinics with spas, swimming pools, and 50 inch LCD TVs does not seem to dissuade people from doing drugs. Weird.

Oh, the intelligence.

Personally, I think legalizing drugs is the way to go. The way I figure it, nobody's gonna to stop doing drugs with all the pity statutes we currently have, so let them figure it out by themselves. I mean, they're not gonna quit until they wake up and their entire body's covered with their own pus. you know. In addition, don't forget the not-so-minor point of all the cash that could remain in the States.

Better yet, let natural selection take it's course and let people without any self-control do what they have to do already. If they wanna die and clear up the gene pool, the way I figure it, be my guest.:P

Trust me, this will solve a lot of problems. Not only will it save a lot of government funds and Afgan soldiers, it will make the average human smarter!!Plus, it will solve the sub-prime mortgage crisis as people who have the general legalities for being able to loan(ie, alive) would actually put money in their house and not drugs.

Everybody wins.

And that's why I should be the unconditional and absolute dominator of the universe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nope. Opium is a highly addictive drug and would crush our economy. It also has been proven to cause more murder. Its a disgusting and terrible substance. If you want a serious fix in a similar way then the US needs to legalize marijuana and prostitution (which seriously needs Unions). That will actually make a huge positive impact on the economy. Opium would prove to be detrimental in the long run.