Saturday, May 10, 2008

Doing the SATs Part 1

Ads-Enron-Invest in Enron energy corp!!!!Motto:We take your money 'n' run!!

Quotes: "The Slimy Atrocious Torture(SATs) is the greatest weapon ever to endanger mankind"

I took my SATs on May 3rd. In case you just crawled out of a cave in Bangladesh from the second century and don't know what the SATs are, it's only one of the most traumatic experiences ever suffered by a high school student. The Slimy Atrocious Torture  consists of extremely complex and mind-blowing questions in reading, writing and mathematics lasting to a total of a grueling, 225 minutes. Yes, you heard right. 225 minutes!!! Of all the forms of torture(and if you ever talked to Yuanmashita, there are quite a few) invented by mankind(including waterboarding, lynching, getting your toenails pulled one by one and 4th period  english class without a pillow), this is easily the worst.

  So how did mine SATs go?One word:lousy. With a capital L(and an o and an u and a s and a y, but let's not go there)

 First, I was just a teeny little bit nervous, so I didn't sleep well. As in really didn't sleep well. As in, took five hours  to sleep and when I did sleep, I had a dream about Adolf Hitler and ETS conspiring to create the perfect race through  the natural magnetism in 2B pencils(don't ask), so when there were a few hundred of those sharp, nasty weapons pointed at me, I did the only logical thing under the circumstances :I woke up screaming.*

 Secondly, when I woke up, I realized that I  might have forgotten a few things in my zeal to remember all the SAT words like luminous, embark, insipid, accessories, unconventional, dearth, enthrall, lousy, censure, timorous, and, well, you get the point. For starters, saving time by simultenously brushing your teeth and eating is not a good idea. And being creative on the day of the test by wearing your socks as a hat is probably a big no-no, too. And don't get me started on the advantages of respiration.**At 7.25, it was time to go.

So with my test off to a flying start, I cheerfully climbed into my father's car(had to try a few times before I realized that the trunk wasn't the entry point. and he drived me into the the SAT testing grounds(turns out to be my school)

*If you ever Google SAT and nightmares, you'll realize I'm not the only one.
**Really, you'll be amazed at the comforts other humans take for granted

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